Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Miata Modifications continued

Tuesday night.  Still planning on Marathon Thursday later this week, but it's been marathon every night so far.  Gotta make the most of IAP!

Crazy Jake is back in action, reading up on some new suspension books from the library.

Jarrod and Ryan looking at the CAD, and working through the new assemblies.  After taking some measurements on the actual Opel, we are trying to get the solidworks models for the subframe assembly to be as true to form as possible.  

After some investigation, they realized we need to lose about four inches in width between the wheels to get the geometry in a desirable configuration.  Although the original miata subframe fit nicely between the Opel frame members, we're going to need to chop it up a bit.

All hands on deck in Dlab!  We're still working there, where we have ventilation for the angle grinder usage, and we can help out our students taking our AIBD course this IAP.

We cut down the members to give sufficient clearance, and began work on setting up a jig to hold everything together in the proper orientation.  We hope to get all the fixtures in place so that we can begin welding on Thursday.

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