Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Update - 10/10/15

Week five of the new EVT semester!

On the MechE side, the Suspension Subteam continues to work at redesigning the Opel's suspension. 

Suspension Design 101 with Jimmy Handy 
The team is reworking the subframe holding the suspension and powertrain components:

"The old design for the subframe used non-right angles to make it smaller, however, especially in the prototyping phase, mitered angles are more difficult to cut than straight across." - Jacob Fisher

Powertrain subframe assembly

The EE subteams are also making headway on their projects.

Several new EE's have finished schematic capture for the CAN dev board and are currently finalizing PCB layout.

Others are working on a wheel velocity sensor that will transmit to subscribing modules on the CAN bus.

Stay tuned for more updates! 

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